
Mangal/Kuja Dosham

Mangal Dosh ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One is considered Manglik when mars is present 12th,1st,4th,7th and 8th house from lagna, (Effects Body or deha so Physical abuse) Chandra manglik is when mars is present in 12,1,4,7,8 fromm moon (Effects mind or manas so Mental Abuse) Same way things are seen from Venus. (Effects happiness and martial bliss) There are many cancellations generally in the Horoscope itself ...including the famous theory that after 27/28 the dosh is cancelled or reduced Does Manglik Dosh Vanish Completely ?? if Yes then Why Lord Ram suffered ? Lord Ram was cancer lagna and had mars Mars exalted in 7th house . He was over 28 he also had multiple cancellation Yog of the Dosh   Yet he suffered as Sita was abducted ,then seperation and last but not the least there was Agni pariksha.

Saturn in various houses/ bhava

In Vedic astrology, the placement of Saturn (Shani) in different houses of the birth chart can have various effects on a person's life. Saturn is considered a powerful planet that governs discipline, responsibility, hard work, endurance, and the karmic consequences of one's actions. Its placement in different houses influences different aspects of life. Here are some general interpretations: 1st House: Saturn in the 1st house may make a person serious, responsible, and hardworking. It can indicate a reserved and cautious nature. The individual may have a strong sense of self-discipline and may face challenges and delays in life. 2nd House: Saturn in the 2nd house may create challenges in the area of finances, family, and speech. The person may have to work hard to accumulate wealth and may experience delays or obstacles in matters related to family and communication. 3rd House: Saturn in the 3rd house can make a person disciplined and hardworking in their efforts to achieve suc


Sahams are sensitive points arrived after calculations that stand for a particular event of life. These are used in progressed chart( varshphal) and also birth chart for making amazing predictions especially for transit of slow moving karmic planets like Saturn, Nodes and Jupiter. This saham scope for prediction should be checked first in birth chart while using it in varshphal. For eg bhrata saham is not useful if no siblings are promised in birth chart, similarly vivaha or putra saham if Marriage or progeny is not promised in the chart. If promised then certain transits and aspects to these points can bring blessings and transformations. Thus Sahams are a useful tool but need careful attention while assessing of the potency of the Saham to yield results.  There are 50 Sahams according to Neelkantha, 48 according to Venkatesa and 21 Sahams according to Kesava. Some scholars have prepared a list of 75 Sahams. There are in all 50 Sahams. They are:  1. Punya or Fortune 2. Guru/Vidya or L

Ketu Maha Dasha

Listen very carefully members who are running ketu dasha. My experience with Ketu Dasha fake people with automatically leave or the relation with them will be so cold that u dnt wanna meet them if i could write my exp it would be a book of 10000 pages. i did nothing but still it would be so much. when ketu comes everything a person has thought will become too tough to acheive. old connections whom we never know will come and meet us. i believe this past live connection revives. either u hv to give them something or they will take it. that is karma balance theory. Ketu Rahu is a situation where there will be the most confusion what to do. Tug of war between what ur heart wants and what ur soul wants. Heart say North Soul say South and u end up going to the east even u hate easterlies. people who knows u will say the person has lost his/her mind. they would say u r not like that before. as ketu is a head less planet people will think u hv lost it in Dasha of ketu. what my personal exp wi

Sade Satti & it's effect

Pranam to my Gurus. Saturn's transit some facts. 1. Sade Sati to be seen only from the moon not the ASC. It starts when Saturn is 45° on either side of the moon. In simple words 12th 1st 2nd from the moon. It's 7.5 years transit. 2. Small Panoiti or Dhaiya is yet another difficult period when Saturn transit over the 4th or 8th from the moon. 4th house transit from the moon is Ardha Ashtam Shani give difficulties to mother and afflicts the sukha sthana. While the 8th house transit from the moon is Ashtama Shani/Kantaka Shani which brings health issues to the native himself. 3. Wherever Saturn transit the 8th place brings a lot of transformation and affliction to that bhava in question. For eg. Saturn transitting 10th house brings difficulty to brothers or co Borns.  4. Saturn Paya/ Charan is also very important to give good, best, bad or worst results.  Like Swarm paya gives best results Chandi and tanbra paya is also good but Loha paya gives very bad results. Usually 8th 4th 12

Greatest Prashna Technique Samakoal Aarudham(Jamakoal Aarudham).

 Hello Wonderful people I hope everyone is good by the grace of Great Lord Shiva Mahadev. Today i will discuss something very important and informative regarding the greatest prashna technique which is called Samakoal Aarudham(Jamakoal Aarudham), which was given by Lord Mahadev Shiva himself to Maa Gauri. This technique is so effective that any prashna can be answered or can be solved with this unique method of question and answer. In the next blog I will be writting about the method how to look at the transit and use the method to solve the greatest mystery. Aarudham means to Sit.