Ketu Maha Dasha

Listen very carefully members who are running ketu dasha. My experience with Ketu Dasha fake people with automatically leave or the relation with them will be so cold that u dnt wanna meet them
if i could write my exp it would be a book of 10000 pages. i did nothing but still it would be so much.

when ketu comes everything a person has thought will become too tough to acheive. old connections whom we never know will come and meet us.
i believe this past live connection revives. either u hv to give them something or they will take it. that is karma balance theory.
Ketu Rahu is a situation where there will be the most confusion what to do. Tug of war between what ur heart wants and what ur soul wants. Heart say North Soul say South and u end up going to the east even u hate easterlies.
people who knows u will say the person has lost his/her mind. they would say u r not like that before. as ketu is a head less planet people will think u hv lost it in Dasha of ketu.
what my personal exp with this one is the more u try hard to fulfil ur desire u will be in a tough situation.
like u may say if u want something u wont get it or after doing all the hard work for getting that when u get it u will feel its not worth anymore.
the moment u feel that u r in chapter 2 u will be back to one.
remember the snake and ladder game which we used to play at the 99 point there is a snake which brings back to single digit and believe me this serpent is ketu.
i hope i am able to express my self. Dont worry share your exp with me in this group.

Om Astrojyoti Vedic Astrologer
 KK Singh 


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